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To God Be the Glory!
Metropolitan Church of Christ
PO Box 15450
Fort Worth, Texas 76119
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APRIL 4TH, 2021

The greatest message ever heard came from an empty tomb ✝

church worship poster
church re-opening

2020 Contribution statements have been emailed out. If you have not received a copy, please click here to request a mailout. 


Communion and Offering Available at the Church Building

Communion and collection services available at the church building on Saturdays from 11am - 1pm. Measures will be taken to enhance safety, minimize contact and utilize social distancing.

Enter through the north parking lot (near the kitchen door). 


Just click link below to sign up and wait to receive a phone call 6:50pm on Wednesday, which will connect you to the conference. It's that easy! In case you forget, you'll get a reminder text approximately 20 mins before we begin. We are studying the book of Numbers and having a great time!

Tarrant County COVID-19 Vaccination Signup info

Get vaccinated by Tarrant County Public Health. For information on receiving COVID-19 vaccine click here.



I wish you a happy Easter. More importantly I wish you a happy Resurrection Sunday. The two appear to be the same but truly there’s a big difference between the two. 


The Necessity of the Cross

Colossians 2:9-15

What does the cross mean to you? Many people in the world today view it as a symbol of Christianity, but think about what it represented in Christ’s day. Nobody wore a miniature cross around the neck or displayed one in a place of worship. The cross was a torturous means of execution, and the mere thought of it was repulsive.

Yet believers throughout the ages have chosen this as the sign of their faith. In fact, to remove the cross from our teaching and theology would leave nothing but an empty, powerless religion. How could anyone be saved if Christ had not been crucified and resurrected? According to Scripture, there can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood (Heb. 9:22). Christ had to bear the punishment for our sin in order for God to grant us forgiveness.

Every time you see a cross, remember what it really was—an instrument of execution. Then thank Jesus that He was willing to be crucified so the Father could forgive you of sin. Though the scene of your redemption was horrendous, Christ turned the cross into a place of great triumph.



Your offering can also be mailed to:
Metropolitan Church of Christ

Po Box 15450

Fort Worth, TX 76119

  1. Text the amount you'd like to give to  817-532-5240 (e.g. $50).

  2. If you have donated by text before, you'll receive a text in response confirming that your gift has been received successfully and you’re done.

  3. If it's your first time donating by text, you'll be sent a message that says, "It looks like you are a new giver; to begin: (link provided). 

  4. It will be a link to the church's online giving page. By clicking on the link you will be asked to supply your payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked with your phone number so that, in the future, all you will need to do is text in the amount. (You will not need to re-enter the payment information.)


(Prayer requests remain in effect for 1 week unless renewed)


Frankie Venters, Nathaniel Elder, Charlie Mae Johnson, D'Andra Houston, Mrs. Barbra Moreno Allen (Danny's mom), Tate baby - Significant improvement! Keep the prayers coming! (heart condition), Bro Hamilton - recovering , Mary Wilson, Nikki Gilmore, Frank McClain, Helen Masters, Clarence Jennings and Vicki Gamble..(general health..) Clyde Watson and the Watson families, Robin Stapp -Stage 3 breast cancer, Leslie Willis - general health, Lisa Hart-general health, Watsons cousin Steve -passed from Covid


Bonnie Barnes,  Geneva Foster - recovering from hip surgery, Nellie Jordan - Nursing Home, Bill Ravin, Ozella Mitchell, Lola Breed – Emerald Hills Rehab & Healthcare; Jerry W Elder - Southwest Rehab,  & Brenda Allen - Vincent Victoria Village Rehab, Marie Bolton 

Wanda Sanders - Niece

Ken McDonald Family

Happy Birthday


Lola Breed                   Apr 03
Ella Price                      Apr 03
Bonnie Barnes            Apr 10
Sherry Bolton              Apr 15
Stanley    Miller           Apr 16
Nellie Jordan               Apr 25
Azerleen Johnson       Apr 27

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