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Worship an Encounter with God

Worship an Encounter with God

Your Sins will Find You Out

Your Sins will Find You Out

True Lies

True Lies

Get Your Mind out the Gutter

Get Your Mind out the Gutter

Satan fights to keep our minds stayed in the gutter. Are you walking and talking with your mind stayed on Jesus?

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd

No matter what position David held as king or Army commander he still acknowledged that the Lord is his shepherd. That means God is his provider, protector, redeemer and friend. You and I share the very same privileges in our relationship with God.

The Struggle Is Real

The Struggle Is Real

Troublesome times are here...again, making us feel like we're being hit by wave after wave. Our Lord Jesus didn't say He would take the problems away, but He did promise to help us bear the burdens. So let's cast our cares on Him because He cares for us.

A False Sense of Security

A False Sense of Security

One of the devil’s favorite most effective tactics is making people feel at ease even when danger is all around. It’s known as a false sense of security.

God's Unchanging Hand

God's Unchanging Hand

Allstate claimed to be the good hands people because of their effectiveness in providing people with good insurance coverage. But no hands can protect and provide for us like God’s unchanging hand. So, make sure u hold on to God’s unchanging hand.

The Storms of Life

The Storms of Life

Into each life some ran must fall. Look to the storms as an opportunity for growth into that which God wants you to be.

Thank God It's Free!

Thank God It's Free!

T.G.I.F. Thank God It's Free! Salvation, that is! Jesus paid for your salvation on the cross! And that's a lot to be thankful for.

Game Over

Game Over

Are you playing the Blame Game? It's time to take responsibility for our actions.

Convenience or Conviction

Convenience or Conviction

Convenient means doing something with little effort or difficulty. We like to have convenience in our lives. However our relationship with God must not be about convenience. What God wants for our relationship is conviction. Conviction means we are committed to faithfulness, holiness and righteousness.

All Blessed Up

All Blessed Up

Bounty has a reputation for cleaning up mess but God can take the mess and make it blessed!

The God of Love and Hate

The God of Love and Hate

Just as parents love their children but hate their bad behavior, our Father in heaven loves us but h

The Wake Up Call

The Wake Up Call

Sometimes in life we need a wake up call to keep us from veering off track. The devil works overtime



We live in a natural world filled with many make-believe supernatural heroes. But God

Have You Worshiped the Lord Lately_

Have You Worshiped the Lord Lately_

We often speak of blessings we desire or receive from the Lord but what about the blessings God desires, demands & deserve from us.

Beware of Traditions

Beware of Traditions

Most all of us hold to certain traditions. Traditions can be good but they can also be bad.They are bad when they become more important than God’s word.

God Don't Care About Our Righteousness

God Don't Care About Our Righteousness

We live in a pretentious world. Unfortunately much of the pretense from the world has overflowed into the church. God would have us to know that He doesn't care about our pretentious righteousness. What He cares about is His righteousness in us.

Lord Help Me to Hold Out

Lord Help Me to Hold Out

As the songwriter said: My way may not easy You did not say that it would be. But when it gets dark, I can't see my way. You told me to put my trust in Thee. That's why I'm asking you Lord, help me to hold out Until my change come - Aug 16, 2020

Revive Us Again

Revive Us Again

Could it be that there are those in the Lords chuch whose hearts are not clean? Could it be, that we have forsaken our first Love. It's time for a revival.



Did you get your stimulus check? Jesus provided a stimulus too with a far more lasting benefit than the one provided by the government.

Is God in Control?

Is God in Control?

Did God send the Corona virus? Did He send as a punishment to His own children? The question is, what does the bible have to say about that. Today's Message: Is God in Control? Jun 07, 2020

Who Can Be a  Guest at Your House?

Who Can Be a Guest at Your House?

In the 15th Psalm, David asks God "Who can be a guest in YOUR house?" He also asks God, what kind of people He allows at His house? Are we one of those people? Today's Sermon: Who Can Be a Guest at Your House? Rollin Morris May 05, 2019

It's Time to Grow Up and Act Your Age

It's Time to Grow Up and Act Your Age

When it comes to our priority list, our Father's business should be at top of the list. If its not, we need to make up our minds and grow up. We need to decide whose going to be Lord of our Life; whether its the things of this world or the things of God. It can't be both.

Becoming God's Favor-ite

Becoming God's Favor-ite

Usually the word "favor" is associated with material prosperity that's what's mostly said when something favorable happens to someone. But what does the bible have to say about favor? To hear today's sermon: Becoming God's Favor-ite!

God is a Covenant Maker

God is a Covenant Maker

Man wants to keep his evil desires because he thinks he can control them...Well keep his desires he shall, but control them he shall not! Today's Sermon: "God is a Covenant Maker, Don't Be a Covenant Breaker" Jan 05, 2020

Examination Time 07-13-19

Examination Time 07-13-19

Our hearts aren't always right. The bible teaches us to ask the Lord to search our hearts and to show us any offensive way that is in us; to lead us in the way that's everlasting. Maybe it's time for a self Examination.

My Way vs God's Way 09/08/19

My Way vs God's Way 09/08/19

Why do we continue to try to do things our way, when God has already made His way known? God wants to bless us, but obedience must come first..

Is God Your Steering Wheel or Spare

Is God Your Steering Wheel or Spare

Is God Your Steering Wheel or Spare Tire?

Lessons from Jacob Cover

Lessons from Jacob Cover

Trickery has been part of man's DNA since the beginning of time. Jacob was the original con man who committed the offense known as "Identity Theft". We know that Jacob was a good man, but he had some ways that were less than upright and God worked through that to accomplish His divine purpose. Along with a cast of characters around him ...his daddy Isaac, his momma Rebekah, and his twin brother Esau all acted in deceitful ways. But here's the thing...God knows how to clean up what was messed up!

03-19-18 Thy Will Be Done

03-19-18 Thy Will Be Done

We sing: "This World is Not My Home, I'm Just Passing Through". But when you look at our lives, we seem to be so attached to the things of this world. There are a lot of things in this life to distract us, but know ain't nothng but the devil! If the house we live in now is built on sand, we need to build it on rock. So that one day we will hear..."Come you who are blessed by my Father".... Message: Not My Will, But Thine Be Done 03-18-18

Love One Another to Debt

Love One Another to Debt

Debt is not a good thing to have. In fact the bible condemns debt. Debt is irresponsibility in repaying back what is owed to another. We use money we don't have, to buy things we can't afford, to impress people we don't know. Rom 13:8 says "Owe no man anything, but to love one another" This is one debt that we owe to one another. This is one debt we must carry to grave with us. We've got to love one another to debt.

Game of Thrones 7-23-17

Game of Thrones 7-23-17

God, (who is on His throne) only wants worship from us; but man (instead of worshiping at the throne of God) wants to set up his own throne of worship...and there begins the Game of Thrones

"HELL? ..... No!

"HELL? ..... No!

Heaven is REAL! God's desire to get you there is just as real! Hell is also real! And Satan's desire to get you there is just as real! Tell Satan HELL?....No! 06-11-17 Message: "HELL? ..... No!

Hold to God's Unchanging Hand

Hold to God's Unchanging Hand

If you've never taken hold of God's hand; His hands are still out waiting for you to take hold of His hand. Message: Hold to God's Unchanging Hand - 06-04-17

Always Use Your Life Preserver

Always Use Your Life Preserver

Are you relying on God as your life preserver, or is God just a back up plan? Message: May 21, 2017 - Always Use Your Life Preserver

Let's Get This Party Stopped Now!

Let's Get This Party Stopped Now!

If we will not live in a way that honors God, then we must live with the consequences. 05-07-17 "Let's Get This Party Stopped Right Now". #christian #Jesus #JesusIsLord #JesusFixIt

Me and Mrs Sin..

Me and Mrs Sin..

The Israelites continued to sin after God's discipline. They appeared to have a love affair with sin. Mankind today still seems to have that love affair with sin. Message: Me and Mrs. Sin...we got a thing going on.

Resurrection Has Got to Be Real

Resurrection Has Got to Be Real

Resurrection Has Got to Be Real, otherwise Jesus' life, suffering and death means nothing. We're wasting our time being Christians we've run this race in vain.

If Loving Sin is Wrong

If Loving Sin is Wrong

Israel was at the point of singing....If loving sin is wrong, I don't want to do right. If being right means being without sin; I'd rather be wrong than right. Sound familiar? Message 4-2-17 If Loving Sin is Wrong...

Staying Under God's Protection

Staying Under God's Protection

When we push God to the side to do our own thing, God will use a worldly situation to discipline and bring us back to Him. Are you staying under God's protective umbrella?

Passing the Baton

Passing the Baton

There's nothing in our lives that can compete with the devotion we should be giving Jesus. What are you competing with?

Are you breaking your covenant with

Are you breaking your covenant with

Sin will take you where you don't want to go. It'll keep you longer than you want to stay. And it will charge you more than you want to pay. Are you breaking your covenant with God?

Heaven Is on the Other Side

Heaven Is on the Other Side

Taking us to the 3rd heaven every Sunday! Thank you Brandon Walker for your faithful and effective song service! Brandon Walker leading "Heaven's On the Other Side"

It's Not About Me 02-19-17

It's Not About Me 02-19-17

God's church cannot grow when I'm looking out for me...God's church cannot grow when you're looking out for you! Where there's honor for one another there can be no arguments, selfishness or divisions. When we honor one another we are building up the body of Christ. #mpcoc #message

The Young and the Restless

The Young and the Restless

Are you still on milk when you should be on solid food? Are you unable to relax? Does fear, worry, and anxiety reign in your life? Maybe you're just Young and Restless. #christian #faith #Jesus

Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives

"Like sands through the hour glass...these are The Days of Lives". If the days of your life is not purposed in doing God's will; it's time to make a change. #christian #mpcc

General Hospital 01-08-16

General Hospital 01-08-16

The Lords church is not a resort for the righteous to relax, but a hospital for the hurting to get help.

Which will you Choose? 12-11-16

Which will you Choose? 12-11-16

Don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. James 4:4 Which Will You Choose?

TGIF! Thank God it's Forgiveness!

TGIF! Thank God it's Forgiveness!

If you've never known the joy and peace of walking in God's forgiveness, life can sometimes feel like this. TGIF! Thank God it's Forgiveness!

T.G.I.F. Thank God It's Free!

T.G.I.F. Thank God It's Free!

T.G.I.F. Thank God It's Free! Salvation, that is! Jesus paid for your salvation on the cross!

Never Ever Forget

Never Ever Forget

11-06-16 T.G.I.F. Thank God It's Free! Salvation, that is! Jesus paid for your salvation on the cross!

Are You Hungry?

Are You Hungry?

09-16-16 Hungry? What are you hungry for? #mpcc #hungry #food

Night and Day

Night and Day

09-11-16 Aren't you thankful that God doesn't hold His anger forever, but just for a moment? His favor lasts for a lifetime. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Rated MC - For "Mature Christians"

Rated MC - For "Mature Christians"

09-04-16 Rated MC - For "Mature Christian" Audiences Only - If we wake up tomorrow and we are at the same place we are today in our relationship with God, somethings wrong.

Church on Sunday Will Not Get you to

Church on Sunday Will Not Get you to

08-14-16 Do you have a "Sunday Morning Only" relationship with God? Is Jesus being left on the pew beside the song book? Going to Church on Sunday will not get you to Heaven!

Does Anyone Know CPR?

Does Anyone Know CPR?

08-07-16 If Jesus were here today, I wonder what his focus would be? What would his message be today? Quick, Does Anyone Know CPR?

Are you playing the Blame Game?

Are you playing the Blame Game?

07-31-16 It's time to take responsibility for our actions. Proverbs 15:16 Better a little with the fear of the LORD than great wealth with turmoil.

Awesom God 6-12-16

Awesom God 6-12-16

When you hear the word awesome, you think of things like the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls and so on....but when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me. My soul cries out, Hallelujah! for what He's done for me! We serve an Awesome God! MPCC Message 6-12-16

Victory Today is Mine!

Victory Today is Mine!

The day you decided to make Jesus the Lord of our life, is the day Satan decided to turn you away from gaining victory in your life. As children of God, we can say truly "Victory Today Is Mine! 06-05-2016

911 is for Emergencies Only

911 is for Emergencies Only

911 is for emergencies only! God wants us to call on Him! Not only for emergencies, but at ALL times! #911 Today's Message: 5-22-16

Are You God's Favorite Child?

Are You God's Favorite Child?

Are you guilty of choosing favorites among our children? Does God have favorites? ‪

Are You Getting Away With Murder?

Are You Getting Away With Murder?

4-17-16 A murder is described as the unlawful taking of another's life. But did you know that Jesus equates anger with murder?

Interested or Committed 4-10-16

Interested or Committed 4-10-16

Are you interested in following Christ? Or are you committed to following Christ?

That Which Cost Me Nothing 4-3-16

That Which Cost Me Nothing 4-3-16

For God so loved the world that He gave! What is it that you're willing to give?

If Jesus Had'nt Been Raised 3-27-16

If Jesus Had'nt Been Raised 3-27-16

If Jesus had not been raised, our Easter celebrations would be a lie, our faith would be worthless and our life would end at the grave.... But Hallelujah HE AROSE! ‪

Empty Vessels 3-13-16

Empty Vessels 3-13-16

God only uses empty vessels. Is your vessel empty?

You're The Light of the World 3-6-16

You're The Light of the World 3-6-16

When Jesus says "I am the Light of the world, He's talking to a world in deep, deep darkness; a world that's desperate for light! Jesus has come into the world as light, so that no one who believes in Him will be in darkness!

ACTS - Prayer Service 2-28-16

ACTS - Prayer Service 2-28-16

We were designed by God to function in a certain way. And if we function in a way other than what God designed, there's going to be some problems. Join us in this special prayer service as we gain strength for our own journey through prayer and song praise led by our song leader Brandon Walker.

Poor In Spirit / 02-21-2016

Poor In Spirit / 02-21-2016

In this world, rich is everything and poor is nothing. Being poor seems like a bad thing. But not if you're poor in spirit.

The Greatest Love of All 2-14-16

The Greatest Love of All 2-14-16

The Greatest Love of All - It seems on Valentine's Day, there's one that's always forgotten. The expression of love we show others on Valentines Day, God also loves too. Flowers, cards and candy are gifts given from the heart. What gifts are you giving God from your heart?

Bearing Much Fruit / 2-7-16

Bearing Much Fruit / 2-7-16

Just as a rose bush needs pruning to remove dead and diseased stems to produce a healthier bloom, the Lord must remove the things in our lives that hinder our spiritual growth. Though sometimes a painful process, the outcome is a closer spiritual walk that produces much fruit!

Mustard Seed Faith 1-31-16

Mustard Seed Faith 1-31-16

01-31-16 / Mustard Seed Faith Are you blocking God from blessing your life? Are you putting up roadblocks, when God is trying to get through? How would your faith stand up to the Jesus test?

Is Your House In Order 01-24-16

Is Your House In Order 01-24-16

Saturdays are usually the day that we clean up, tidy up and spruce up our house. And the reason we do this is to keep our some kind of order to it. What if you found out that Jesus was going to visit your house today? Would your house be in order?

1 - 17 - 16 Satans Flaming Arrows

1 - 17 - 16 Satans Flaming Arrows

Being in a fight takes a lot of energy; that's why it pays to stay in shape physically! Last week I got into a fight. Sometimes I got the best of him; sometimes he got the best of me. This individual is a well known troublemaker. Fact is, i will never be able to beat him....but I have a brother who can. His name is Jesus!

God's got to get His Praise!

God's got to get His Praise!

Have you ever asked yourself why it was you were created? That question has cause a lot of frustration and a lot of pain. Some people have given up on life because they've found no purpose in living. There's got to be more to life than this.... There is! According to Isaiah 43:7, we were created for Gods glory!

01-03-16 Out With The Old; In With T

01-03-16 Out With The Old; In With T

New Year, New You! Are you ready for some self improvement? Self improvement in mental wellness, physical wellness, emotional wellness and financial wellness? These are the things New Years Resolutions are built around. But seek FIRST the kingdom and His righteousness, ALL these things will be added unto you!

12 - 27 - 15 Closer Walk With Thee

12 - 27 - 15 Closer Walk With Thee

"I am weak, but Thou art strong; Jesus, keep me from all wrong." Our daily desire should be to have A Close Walk with Thee. ‪#‎Jesus‬ ‪#‎God‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎hope‬ ‪#‎bible‬

12-13-15 Rescue The Perishing

12-13-15 Rescue The Perishing

Watching a loved one wander away from the will of God can be painful to witness. The thought of a soul perishing is even more devastating. The lifeline is in our hands. Are we rescuing the perishing?

12-06-15 Calm In The Storm

12-06-15 Calm In The Storm

12-06-15 The storms of life are closing in! All seem hopeless. But wait! There IS calm in the midst of the storm! ‪#‎Jesus‬ ‪#‎God‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎hope‬

11-29 Through the Good and the Bad

11-29 Through the Good and the Bad

Through the good and the bad; always stand firm! Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord!

11-22-15 What Are You Hungering For?

11-22-15 What Are You Hungering For?

Are you hungering and thirsting after spiritual things? Or have the desires of this world left you malnourished? ‪#‎thanksgiving‬ ‪#‎christian‬ ‪#‎MPCC‬

11-15-15 Pilgrimage To Heaven

11-15-15 Pilgrimage To Heaven

Are you so comfortable with this world that you show more excitement for the things of the world vs the things that pleases God? The devil is constantly looking for opportunities to destroy your life and being a friend of the world makes his job a lot easier. Have you started your pilgrimage to Heaven?

11-08-15 Committed To One Another

11-08-15 Committed To One Another

11-08-15 Committed To One Another - Living a life that says: I must put others before self. ‪#‎commitment‬ ‪#‎christian‬ ‪#‎MPCC‬

Making A V1 Commitment

Making A V1 Commitment

11-08-15 Taking your Christianity to the point of no return.

All Aboard! Homecoming 2015

All Aboard! Homecoming 2015

Your bags are packed, you've got your ticket and you're ready to board. The whistle blows and the wheels start turning. But there's one problem...the train isn't going anywhere. Listen as guest speaker Carey Dowl delivers a thought provoking message that is sure to encourage and help us all to get on board for Christ!

Is God Directing Your Life?

Is God Directing Your Life?

God has a plan for your life...are you ready to take ACTION?

10-11-2015 Gods House

10-11-2015 Gods House

These are some basic characteristics of being a guest in God’s house. Are you eligible to enter?

Excuses Excuses

Excuses Excuses

There are many people who are in the "excuse making" business. There are no good excuses for Christians' bad behavior. While God does forgive, His grace is never a license to justify our short comings. So what’s your excuse?

9-20-15 Don't Miss The Boat

9-20-15 Don't Miss The Boat

At a time of rampant wickedness, there was one man who stood out—a man whose life was characterized by the hand of God’s grace upon him. A righteous man. Noah’s life serves as a reminder that judgment on sin will come again.. Don’t Miss the Boat! Today’s Message: Noah - Preacher of Righteousness Rollin Morris

9/6/15 Grace & Mercy

9/6/15 Grace & Mercy

Man has been working since the beginning of time. The bible has many "Labor Day" stories. But one in particular give us a beautiful glimpse of God's grace and mercy. Do you know which one it is? Listen here to find out.

8/30/15 Annual Performance Review

8/30/15 Annual Performance Review

It’s that time again; time for your annual review. But this time, you stand before the almighty God. How would he rate your year’s performance?

8/23/15 Keep Off Median

8/23/15 Keep Off Median

God is going in one direction and the devil in the opposite. Josh 24:15 Choose you this day whom you will serve....

8/16/15 Never, Ever Forget

8/16/15 Never, Ever Forget

And when your children ask you, "what do these stones mean"; are you ready to tell them of the Lords promise and power that delivered you?

Mediocrity, The Road To Nowhere

Mediocrity, The Road To Nowhere

Would you invite Jesus over for dinner and serve Him last night's leftovers while you dine on a freshly made meal of steak & lobster? Not offering the Lord YOUR best, can lead to a life of mediocrity....the road that leads to nowhere.

8/2/15 Be Steadfast & Unmovable

8/2/15 Be Steadfast & Unmovable

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything! Do you consider yourself to be a push over? Well Satan does and he'll use every opportunity to knock you down. So therefore, "Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Cor 15:58

7/26/15 God's Road Signs

7/26/15 God's Road Signs

Road signs exist to guide, warn, and regulate the flow of traffic. In our spiritual walk we encounter these warnings daily. Do we heed the warnings and PROCEED WITH CAUTION? There's still time to make a U TURN, stop going the WRONG WAY and YIELD to the ONE WAY. Listen as Balam discovers how God used a donkey to help carry out His plans.

7/19/15 I Shall Not Want

7/19/15 I Shall Not Want

The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want. Why want for more, when Jesus is all you need? He supplies all our needs.

7/12/15 The Lord is My Shepherd

7/12/15 The Lord is My Shepherd

In the troubling times we live in, it's comforting to know there is always someone watching over us.

7/5/15 Rooted & Grounded in Truth

7/5/15 Rooted & Grounded in Truth

What are you rooted and grounded in? A tree gets its nourishment from the soil through its roots. If grounded in poor soil may not withstand life's storms. Can you stand the storms? What are you rooted and grounded in?

6/28/15 Parables

6/28/15 Parables

What is a parable? A secret message? Why weren't the Pharisees and the teachers of the law able to understand them?

6/22/15 Hallowed Be Thy Name

6/22/15 Hallowed Be Thy Name

My Father is the best Father in the world. Want to know what makes Him so special and different from any other father?

6/14/15 Get Ready for Moving Day

6/14/15 Get Ready for Moving Day

Moving is the third most stressful event in life, following death and divorce. Are you read to move? If not, We should be "Getting Ready for Moving Day"

6/7/15 You've Got to Have Your Gear

6/7/15 You've Got to Have Your Gear

Does a football player go on the field without his pads and helmet? Or does a soldier go off to war without protection? Do you start your day without your protective gear? "You've Got To Have Your Gear!" Listen as we learn of how to properly clothe ourselves and stay protected.

5/31/15 Watch Out for Satans Traps

5/31/15 Watch Out for Satans Traps

Catching rodents requires a good trap. Satan operates the same way, except he's better at it! You have to "Watch Out for the Devil's Traps"!

5/24/15 The Ultimate Warrior

5/24/15 The Ultimate Warrior

Memorial day is a time to honor those who gave their lives in the line of duty for their fellow countrymen. But let us not forget the one who gave the ultimate sacrifice for all mankind. Today's lesson: The Ultimate Warrior

5/17/15 Protect Yourself At All Time

5/17/15 Protect Yourself At All Time

Your surrounded by enemy territory. Some visible and some invisible. You must be ready to Protect Yourself At All Times!

5/10/15 I Had A Praying Mother

5/10/15 I Had A Praying Mother

The prayers of a mother can be our saving grace in helping to shape the future of our children's lives. Today's message reminds us of just how important prayer is.

5/3/`15 Be Strong in the Lord

5/3/`15 Be Strong in the Lord

As Christians, we are to be strong in the mighty power of God. This means that our strength is not our own. Our strength is not of the world, but our strength is found in Christ

4/26/15 Walking By Faith

4/26/15 Walking By Faith

Walking by faith requires calculated steps as Christians we must make. Are we walking my faith or by sight?

4/5/15 God's Agenda vs Mans

4/5/15 God's Agenda vs Mans

God always has an agenda for us but we seem to think we know better. In the end, Father knows best!

4/12/15 I Surrender All

4/12/15 I Surrender All

God teaches Jacob the importance of full surrender. Minister of the Word - Rollin Morris Follow us on Facebook for future sermons.

4/5/15 Good News From The Grave

4/5/15 Good News From The Grave

"Good News From The Grave" 4/5/15 Minister of the Word - Rollin Morris Follow us on Facebook for future sermons.

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