3201 E. Martin St. Fort Worth Texas 76119 - Tel: 817-535-1525
I must be in God's WORD and God's WORD must be in me
To God Be the Glory!
Metropolitan Church of Christ
PO Box 15450
Fort Worth, Texas 76119
APRIL 18TH, 2021
Jesus has prepared a place for you. Have you prepared a place for him? ✝
2020 Contribution statements have been emailed out. If you have not received a copy, please click here to request a mailout.
Communion and Offering Available at the Church Building
Communion and collection services available at the church building on Saturdays from 11am - 1pm. Measures will be taken to enhance safety, minimize contact and utilize social distancing.
Enter through the north parking lot (near the kitchen door).
Just click link below to sign up and wait to receive a phone call 6:50pm on Wednesday, which will connect you to the conference. It's that easy! In case you forget, you'll get a reminder text approximately 20 mins before we begin. We are studying the book of Numbers and having a great time!
Tarrant County COVID-19 Vaccination Signup info
Get vaccinated by Tarrant County Public Health. For information on receiving COVID-19 vaccine click here.
All too often the believer’s walk does not match their talk. This is known as a contradiction.
Believing God in Every Situation
Habakkuk 1
Knowing that the Lord is overseeing and directing every circumstance in our life is a great comfort, but it can also raise questions about His role in the process. For example, how is He involved in situations that, in and of themselves, are not good?
Does God cause people to sin? The answer is no. He never initiates sin, nor does He tempt us to do evil (James 1:13). Christ came to rescue us from the penalty, power, and—eventually—the very presence of sin.
How does the Lord use our sin for good? When we make a mistake, the Holy Spirit convicts us and reveals the ugliness of sin so we can confess and repent. Then if we persist in disobedience, the Lord disciplines us so we can become more like Christ (Heb. 12:10) and share His holiness. In the process, we experience His grace and forgiveness.
Is God involved in the lives of unbelievers? His love and kindness are demonstrated generally by His provisions and blessings for earthly life, but specifically in the giving of His Son as the Savior of mankind (Titus 3:3-5).
Whenever you’re not sure about how God thinks about sin or deals with it, go to His Word. He will guide you into truth.
Your offering can also be mailed to:
Metropolitan Church of Christ
Po Box 15450
Fort Worth, TX 76119
Text the amount you'd like to give to 817-532-5240 (e.g. $50).
If you have donated by text before, you'll receive a text in response confirming that your gift has been received successfully and you’re done.
If it's your first time donating by text, you'll be sent a message that says, "It looks like you are a new giver; to begin: (link provided).
It will be a link to the church's online giving page. By clicking on the link you will be asked to supply your payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked with your phone number so that, in the future, all you will need to do is text in the amount. (You will not need to re-enter the payment information.)
(Prayer requests remain in effect for 1 week unless renewed)
Marvin Jr, Christene Peoples, Frankie Venters, Nathaniel Elder, Charlie Mae Johnson, D'Andra Houston, Mrs. Barbra Moreno Allen (Danny's mom), Tate baby - Significant improvement! Keep the prayers coming! (heart condition), Bro Hamilton - recovering , Mary Wilson, Nikki Gilmore, Frank McClain, Helen Masters, Clarence Jennings and Vicki Gamble..(general health..) Clyde Watson and the Watson families, Robin Stapp -Stage 3 breast cancer, Leslie Willis - general health, Lisa Hart-general health, Watsons cousin Steve -passed from Covid
Bonnie Barnes, Geneva Foster - recovering from hip surgery, Nellie Jordan - Nursing Home, Bill Ravin, Ozella Mitchell, Lola Breed – Emerald Hills Rehab & Healthcare; Jerry W Elder - Southwest Rehab, & Brenda Allen - Vincent Victoria Village Rehab, Marie Bolton
Wanda Sanders - Niece
Ken McDonald Family
Lola Breed Apr 03
Ella Price Apr 03
Bonnie Barnes Apr 10
Sherry Bolton Apr 15
Stanley Miller Apr 16
Nellie Jordan Apr 25
Azerleen Johnson Apr 27