3201 E. Martin St. Fort Worth Texas 76119 - Tel: 817-535-1525
I must be in God's WORD and God's WORD must be in me
To God Be the Glory!
Metropolitan Church of Christ
PO Box 15450
Fort Worth, Texas 76119
Nov 18, 2020
Effective immediately, Metropolitan Church of Christ will cease in-person church assemblies until further notice. As you’ve probably heard in the news, there is a significant increase in the number of positive Covid cases and Covid related deaths.
Tarrant county judge Glenn Whitley urged churches to cease in-person gatherings in order to minimize the likelihood of getting or spreading the virus. Although we have met successfully over the past few weeks our decision making must be responsible to each other and in the best interest of those who are most vulnerable.
Please be committed, constant & confident in prayer that our Lord will see us safely through this time and help us resume regular activities, the most important of which is praising His holy name.
Peace and blessings, MPCC leadership