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To God Be the Glory!

Metropolitan Church of Christ
PO Box 15450
Fort Worth, Texas 76119

Not my but thine.png

Nov 08, 2020

Don’t say ‘Our Father’ on Sundays and spend the rest of the week acting like an orphan


that it's so easy to sign up for 

Wednesday bible class?

Just click link below to sign up and wait to receive a phone call at 6:50pm which will connect you to the conference. It's that easy! In case you forget, you'll get a reminder text approximately 20 mins before we begin. We are studying the book of Genesis and having a great time!


Are We Good Enough to be in God's Presence?

Have you ever been told, you're not good enough? For a team or job? It Can be very hurtful to hear. Truth is, when it comes to being in God’s presence – We’re just not good enough..


Growing in Prayer

Philippians 1:1-11

One of the best ways to improve your prayer life is by imitating prayers in Scripture. Consider starting with Paul. When you read the prayers in his letters to the churches, you will notice three characteristics that distinguish them—an accurate understanding of God, joy in others’ salvation, and a desire for the Lord to continue the good work He began in their lives.

Even though Paul wrote many letters from prison, his concern was not for his release—it was for the health of the churches and the spiritual maturity of believers. Whenever he received word of their growing faith, increasing love, steadfast hope, and partnership in the gospel, he responded with joy, praise to God, and continued intercession on their behalf.

Does intimate knowledge of the Lord and love for your brothers and sisters in Christ fuel your devotional life? If you are longing for greater depth in your prayers, follow Paul’s example by spending time in God’s Word, pondering who He is, what He has done, and what He desires to do in the lives of His people. Then put these thoughts into prayers for the spiritual growth of fellow believers.


Communion and Offering UPDATE

Since the church has re-opened,  the Saturday drive by communion will be suspended until further notice. 



Your offering can also be mailed to:
Metropolitan Church of Christ

Po Box 15450

Fort Worth, TX 76119

  1. Text the amount you'd like to give to  817-532-5240 (e.g. $50).

  2. If you have donated by text before, you'll receive a text in response confirming that your gift has been received successfully and you’re done.

  3. If it's your first time donating by text, you'll be sent a message that says, "It looks like you are a new giver; to begin: (link provided). 

  4. It will be a link to the church's online giving page. By clicking on the link you will be asked to supply your payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked with your phone number so that, in the future, all you will need to do is text in the amount. (You will not need to re-enter the payment information.)

(Prayer requests remain in effect for 1 week unless renewed)

Novella Houston- corona & pneumonia, Williams, McDonald and Matthews, Bran & Maranda Griffin - Tested positive for Covid, Wyette Robinson (general Health), Serelle & Tony Golden (general health),Charles & Debra Matlock - lost son in car accident

The Brown Family:

passing of Beatrice Brown


Nellie Jordan - Nursing Home, Beatrice Brown, Bill Ravin, Ken McDonald, Shirley Watson, Ozella Mitchell, Lola Breed – Emerald Hills Rehab & Healthcare; Jerry W Elder - Southwest Rehab,  & Brenda Allen - Vincent Victoria Village Rehab, Marie Bolton 



Anthony Breedlove                    Nov 3rd
Ivory Johnson Sr                        Nov 3rd
Craig Smith                                Nov 8th  
Delores  Simmons                      Nov 10th   
Edward Turner                            Nov 13th  
Brenda Allen                               Nov 14th
Ken Livingston                            Nov 14th
Sharon Houston - Turner             Nov 22nd    



Aristides  & Dorothy Pena             Nov 4th


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